16 January 2025
The Luxembourg Red Cross, in partnership with the Chad Red Cross, is responding to the humanitarian needs of more than 500,000 refugees who have arrived in Chad since the resumption of the conflict in Darfur in 2023. Its main objective is to improve emergency shelter for vulnerable households.
To support the victims of the Sudanese conflict, the Shelter Research Unit of the Luxembourg Red Cross is developing an innovative project, funded by the Fondation Veuve Emile Metz-Tesch. The project is based on a shelter prototype developed by students at the technical conference held in Luxembourg in November 2023.
The shelter developed is designed to withstand the extreme heat and heavy seasonal rains of the Sahelian climate faced by Sudanese refugees in Chad. It is adaptable and upgradeable: materials used during the emergency phase can be reallocated for longer-term solutions. This approach improves the quality of life of displaced families, even in protracted crises. The shelter model uses only local, recyclable and reusable materials to reduce environmental impact and promote circularity. This sustainability also contributes to the local economy, creating new livelihoods for the host community and refugees.
By March 2025, five shelters based on this new design will be built in the Farchana refugee camp in Ouaddaï province for further testing.
A win-win strategy!