Annual Report – Humanitarian Aid

Find here information on all projects in Africa, Ukraine and Nepal, on the budgets and on our Humanitarian Aid team.

Aide internationale de la Croix-Rouge luxembourgeoise Rapport d'activités 2022 cover


The universality of the Red Cross: a fundamental principle for global humanitarian action


The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement is based on seven fundamental principles, one of the most important of which is universality. This principle ensures that all National Societies, regardless of their size or resources, enjoy the same rights and share the same responsibilities in the global humanitarian aid effort. This global network enables …

One movement, one goal: the Red Cross principle of unity


The principle of unity is one of the cornerstones of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. It stipulates that there can only be one Red Cross or Red Crescent Society per country. This single society must be open to all and carry out its humanitarian activities throughout the country, thus ensuring that all …

2023: A year of impactful humanitarian aid


This past year, the teams of the Humanitarian Aid of the Luxembourg Red Cross faced incredibly challenging and demanding conditions across the globe. Yet, their unwavering commitment and remarkable creativity allowed us to support thousands of people, helping them access dignified living conditions even in the most difficult circumstances. In this context, sustaining our efforts …

Volunteering with the Red Cross: an altruistic commitment in the service of humanity


Volunteering embodies the very essence of humanism and solidarity. Since its creation by Henry Dunant, our institution has been based on the principles of volunteerism and selflessness, offering invaluable help to populations in times of peace and conflict alike. Volunteering and selflessness: the foundations of humanitarian action Volunteering is based on a selfless commitment, where …

Hospitals, not a target


On 8 July, Ukraine was hit by a series of bombardments affecting civilian facilities, including hospitals. More than 150 people were killed or injured. International humanitarian law is categorical: hospitals must not be targeted in times of conflict. Attacking these establishments endangers the most vulnerable and hinders access to essential care. The Luxembourg Red Cross …
Dnipro university hospital

Human in War, the mini-series now available


What does war mean to you? Human suffering, cruelty? Have you thought about those who have been affected by war, either directly or indirectly?Although war seems inevitable, there are ways of reducing its inhumanity.Are you ready to go behind the scenes of war and meet those involved? Discover now Human in War, the mini-series that …
Human in war

World Refugee Day 2024: celebration and solidarity  


World Refugee Day, celebrated every year on 20 June, is an opportunity to pay tribute to the millions of forcibly displaced people around the world. This event highlights not only their challenges but also their talents, hopes and resilience. This year, the Migrants and Refugees Department organised a series of activities at the Centre Primo-Accueil …

In the humanitarian field: independence, a guarantee of effectiveness for the Red Cross


At the heart of Red Cross humanitarian action, one principle remains essential and unshakeable: independence. By exploring this principle, we discover how it enables our organisation to maintain its integrity and provide impartial and neutral assistance, even in the most complex situations. Why is independence so important? The importance of independence lies in its ability …

Neutrality: an essential foundation of Red Cross humanitarian action


Neutrality is a fundamental principle of the Red Cross and Red Crescent. It ensures that the Movement remains impartial and refrains from taking part in hostilities as well as political, religious, ideological and racial controversies. This principle is essential to maintain the confidence of all parties concerned and to enable the Movement to carry out …

“Humanitarian emergency in Burundi: Take action now!”


Faced with the distress caused by the ravages of the El Niño phenomenon in Burundi, collective action is essential to bring immediate relief to the thousands of people affected. The figures are alarming: more than 237,000 people have been affected, 55% of whom are women, and more than 42,000 have been forced to leave their …

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