Every third Wednesday of the month, our team warmly welcomes you to Lëtz Boys!

5.30pm to 7.30pm: Take part in informal games and discussions about HIV and prevention tools.

7.30pm to 9.30pm: Take advantage of a rapid screening test, carried out discreetly and confidentially.

Lëtz Boys

60 Grand-Rue, 1660 Ville-Haute Luxembourg


Prevention resources

A doubt? A risk?

Find the answers to your questions about preventive treatment PREP, emergency treatment PEP and HIV testing

PEP treatment

EMERGENCY POST-EXPOSURE TREATMENT taken as quickly as possible (max. 72 hours) following a risk situation, it prevents contamination.

Screening test

This is the only way to know your HIV status, so that you can access early treatment and protect others.

Traitement PrEP

PRE-EXPOSURE PROPHYLAXIS is a preventive medication for people who do not have HIV and who frequently engage in high-risk sexual practices.

The internal condom

The external condom

The latex square

More information on HIV Berodung