The LISKO service invites beneficiaries of international and temporary protection to its workshops.
These workshops, spread over 3 or 4 hours, are designed to provide relevant information in an interactive, participative and fun way for their personal life project.
A multidisciplinary team of social workers and intercultural interpreters will accompany the participants during these workshops.
Participants are immersed in the realities of the Luxembourg property market and, through role-playing, learn about the importance of clearly defining their needs and financial capacities, building up savings and preparing their tenant file.
Participants in this workshop receive information on how our society works, with an emphasis on the rights and duties of citizens.
The regulations governing family reunification are clarified and the steps to be taken in order to submit your application are presented, specifying the importance of getting involved quickly.
>Family reunification brochure
13, rue de Bragance
L-1255 Luxembourg