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Structures of Reception and Integrated Education

Welcoming children from migratory backgrounds

Some of the Maisons Relais run by the Luxembourg Red Cross specifically cater the needs of children coming from migrant backgrounds. 

These are the Reception and Integrated Education (AI) structures. Like the SEAS (Services d’Education et d’Accueil pour Enfants Scolarisés) run by the Red Cross and the national non-formal education framework, these integrated reception and education structures offer children a framework of trust in which they can develop their autonomy and self-determination.

For children aged 3 to 12

Our three integrated care and education facilities cater for children aged 3 to 12 who are beneficiaries of or applicants for international protection. They work closely with the State’s Specialised Reception Classes (CSAE). Thanks to this collaboration with the school, the joint use of rooms, the children can be looked after from 7.45am to 7pm, depending on the needs of the different families.

Collaboration with other local partners, such as music schools, SEAS, or the hostels where refugee families live, also helps to simplify the daily lives of children affected by difficult experiences.

Our Reception and Integrated Education facilities offer a range of open spaces, including a canteen, a construction room, a space for creative workshops, another for resting, a multi-purpose room and outdoor areas for playing and getting fresh air.

Inclusion as one of the main aims

Children coming from migrant backgrounds need security and stability. The rituals and framework setup within our facilities aim to enable them to flourish by playing, resting, and sharing, while respecting others and their diversity.

The daily work of the multi-disciplinary team at each AI facility is focused on the needs of each child. All team members have specialised pedagogical training. An intercultural mediator, who is also a member of the team, facilitates the communication with the parents and helps to better understand the children.

A qualified team to ensure children’s well-being

At least one member of the team with the training and function of “inclusion pedagogical referent” ensures the inclusion of everyone, because  inclusion is one of the main aims of the Welcome and Integrated Education structures.

Each team member looks after the children’s well-being and regularly takes part in various training courses.

Accompaniment and Transition Service

In 2022, following the arrival of many children to Luxembourg who were fleeing the conflict in Ukraine, a Support and Transition Service (SAT) was put in place by the Red Cross and Caritas teams. The SAT accompanies young applicants and beneficiaries of international protection aged between 4 and 27 who are not yet at school.

SAT staff offers out-of-school children and young people activities based on the principles and characteristics of the national reference framework of non-formal education. Their presence in the homes enables them to establish a relationship with the children and young people so that they can support them in their daily lives.

Contact addresses

Service d’Accompagnement et de Transition (SAT)

Structure d’Accueil et d’Education Intégrée Weilerbach

Structure d’Accueil et d’Education Intégrée Adam Roberti

Structure d’Accueil et d’Education Intégrée Buschdorf