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  • LOFT – Lokale Familljentreff

A space designed for and with families

The “Lokale Familljentreff” (LOFT) is a project by the Luxembourg Red Cross created in collaboration with the municipalities. It will also be developed together with the families living there.

At LOFT, parents and other family members can meet in a friendly atmosphere, exchange ideas and get in touch.

Currently, the Luxembourg Red Cross runs three LOFT structures, one in Stadtbredimus (in the Maison Relais building), one in Lorentzweiler (also in the Maison Relais building) and one in Strassen (in the municipal building).

A local meeting point for all families

LOFT is for families with children living in the municipality:

  • Parents and legal representatives
  • Future parents
  • All other family members, e.g. grandparents

Both families whose children are enrolled in the local Crèche or Maison Relais, and families whose children are not enrolled in these facilities can participate in all activities offered by LOFT.

A variety of activities

Parents and other family members are welcome to have a cup of coffee, exchange with other families or have access to information on different topics.

Information about childcare and nursery facilities, clubs and associations in the community, the school system and other family services is provided.

Individual consultations outside opening hours are possible by appointment.

LOFT regularly offers various activities for families, such as hikes, family brunches, reading evenings, evenings on topics of concern to parents, etc. All offers are adapted to the interests and needs of the families.

For more information, please contact the:

LOFT Lorentzweiler
Responsible Lisa Goergen
10, rue Jean-Pierre Glaesener
L-7358 Lorentzweiler
Tel.: +352 621-390 783
E-mail: loft.lorentzweiler@croix-rouge.lu
Opening hours: Tuesday 2-6pm, Wednesday 8-12am & Thursdays 2-6pm

LOFT Stadtbredimus
Responsible Sylvie Figueira
1, place Batty Weber
L-5451 Stadtbredimus
Tel.: +352 621-892 407
E-mail: loft.stadtbredimus@croix-rouge.lu
Opening hours: Thuesday 8.45am-2 pm & Wednesday 4-8pm

LOFT Strassen
Responsible Linda Lang
1, place Grande-Duchesse Charlotte (Hall of the town hall Strassen)
L-8041 Strassen
Tel.: +352 621 29 19 27 & 621 29 25 59
E-mail: loft.strassen@croix-rouge.lu
Opening hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 8:30-11.30am & Wednesday 2-6pm

RTL Report about the LOFT in Lorentzweiler