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Lët’z Work !

A personalised project to boost the employability of International Protection Applicants

Helping our people to integrate also means helping them to understand the job market in their new host country.

The record number of job vacancies in Luxembourg, the active age population in shelters for newcomers, the positive experience of professional integration of Beneficiaries of Temporary Protection and the recent abolition of the market test as part of the Temporary Occupation Permit confirm the relevance of proposing such a process for Applicants for International Protection accommodated in the reception network in Luxembourg.

Lët’z Work! aims to increase the employability of applicants for international protection:

Since 2004, the Migrants and Refugees Service of the Luxembourg Red Cross has been taking care of applicants for international protection.
On the strength of its expertise and the individual support offered, the Red Cross will focus on 4 areas to achieve this objective:

A range of collective workshops

Individual follow-up of participants*

*a skills assessment and regular meetings

Creation of a mentoring programme

The search for partner companies

Thanks to the Lët’z Work! project, applicants for international protection no longer have to wait for their status to be granted before they can benefit from tools for understanding the labour market and support tailored to their needs to expand their network and their understanding of the Luxembourg job market.

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The Lët’z Work! project is supported by